Friday, February 9, 2024

Blog #5

During this week's presentations, I was able to learn a lot of new information about technology. It was fascinating to find out where things came from and how they evolved over time. It was also really interesting to see how some things started off as more simple designs and turned into complex inventions that we use in our everyday lives. 

One of the things I learned was about the Origin of Instagram. I had no idea that it was originally called 'Burbn' after the creator's love of whiskey and bourbon. I also did not know that the name Instagram comes from the words instant camera and telegram. It was also interesting to hear how fast they grew. I remember when it first came out, I wanted to join so badly but was not allowed to. Instagram was considered the new Facebook for younger people. It's astonishing to see how much it has grown since then. 

I also found the creation of the Television to be really interesting. I think most of us have grown up with TVs in our homes and bedrooms. I thought it was really cool to learn about the mechanical Televisions that then transformed into electronic ones. I also enjoyed seeing the pictures of different versions of TVs. I can remember the big box TVs and it's amazing to see how they've changed since the 1920s into flat screens. 

The last one I found interesting was Carrier Pigeons. I've always heard about them but I never understood how that could possibly work. I still cannot really grasp it, but it is fascinating that pigeons can send messages to humans. The pigeons would be raised at a house and would then associate it as home. Pigeons have an instinct for returning home. If you wanted someone to send you a message you would send them one of your pigeons, then they would attach the message and the pigeon would return home. I would have thought it was a way more complex training ordeal. I also learned that they were most used during war times and that they could be used to transport drugs. They were caught most recently in 2023 flying drugs into a prison.  

I was curious about carrier pigeons so I looked up different stories and found many pigeons doing great work delivering messages during war times. One that I found was about a pigeon named Winkie. The aircraft she was on crashed into the sea. She was able to get out of her cage and fly 120 miles home. She was eventually given the Dickin Medal. This medal was to represent the bravery of the animals used during the war times. I thought this was really sweet and interesting to learn. 

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