Sunday, February 11, 2024

Blog #6

I think anti-war voices are not typically heard in mainstream media for a few reasons. The first reason is because those are not the voices the Government wants us to hear.  Something I strongly believe in is that the media is strictly controlled and what gets put out is not always the most important or correct information. 

Another reason is that media platforms often have political affiliations that can influence what information they put out. This also goes along with biases. A lot of media sources are biased these days and do not always publicize the most accurate information. Lastly, I would imagine our Government does not want anti-war voices out because it could hinder American support for war if it were to happen. War can also be a way for the Government to make money so they want to maintain American support. 

I have never heard of The American Conservative or When looking at, most of the headlines are not topics that would appear in typical media. 
I do not find it shocking that these sites and voices are not common in mainstream media. These are often subjects that popular media platforms do not want to talk about or cannot.  

I think if you are interested in this information, you most likely have to do your own research. There are a lot of important events that are often not spoken about in mainstream media. I do think it is a way for the Government to control what we see to fit their agenda. I think there is a lot of information we don't know as average citizens. 

This just adds to the fact that everyone should do their own research. As citizens, we are responsible for staying updated on our Government and global issues. This is especially important right now with very heated conflicts in multiple places and American involvement. 

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